soooo I'm here in cairns!!! It is fantastic. I got off the plane at 4am Friday morning, and the humidity hit me like a brick wall. I got the shuttle bus to my hostel and waited to check in. It ended up being a really nice hostel so clean and the rooms had epic air conditioning and a bathroom in the room! Very nice. I spent the day walking around and buying toiletries and stuff because I couldn't bring them on the plane since I didn't check a bag just brought my carry on. I also had to buy some new thongs (flip flops!) because I had worn a hole in my other ones haha besides my work boots those were the only shoes I've worn for almost five months lol
Cairns is a pretty big city and I was so overwhelmed because I'm so used to little Margs! I went into a shopping mall and was like whoa man, this is weird! There were so many clothes shops it was really hard not to buy anything haha I ended up finding this epic high waisted bikini with PINEAPPLES all over it! So naturally, I bought it haha so excited!
It's so different here, it's literally the rainforest it is so incredible the trees and flowers that are right in the city! You can't go in the ocean here because of box jelly fish and crocodiles eek! So that's also really weird for me because I pretty much go to the beach everyday in Margs.
That night we had our pre trip meeting with the group. There were about 20 people which I thought was a good size, until the next day when another group joine us and now we have about 80 people!
I also got a call from Sarah that someone had put my car up on a jack and stolen one of the tires off it lol so random! I slightly freaked out and called my insurance to see if they could help but I don't have anything to cover that. I figured this was the universe helping me try to go with the flow so instead of stressing I said man, I'm on vacation on the other side of Australia right now. Shit happens but it's all going to work out! It helped me calm down, and I told my friends back in Margs about the situation and was overwhelmed with everyone's offers to help me. I am so lucky for all of my friends' kindness and a huge thank you to bry, Sarah and Emma for helping me! You guys gave me great peace of mind! And with that... I truly got into vacation mode :)
Saturday we went to the Great Barrier Reef!!! It is pretty much the only extra activity I'm doing since I don't have a huge budget to spend but I mean you obviously have to do the reef! We got on this huge boat at about 8am and it took 1.5 hours to get out to the reef. There were about 100 people altogether. When we got there they had this big covered platform set up with tables and a section with all the scuba and snorkel equipment and everything. I rented this Lycra stinger suit thing because of the jellyfish and I didn't want to get a sunburn as well. I looked pretty cool. Then I got my snorkel gear and hopped in the water.
Seriously it was such an awesome experience! I've never seen anything more amazing in my whole life. The corals were so cool like all these different shapes and some were massive! The fish were so epic too like amazing colours and there was this huge one that came around. He is a Maori wrasse that lives in that area and the staff named him Wally. He is so friendly and swims right up to everyone. He is 1.5m long and about 60kilos according to the staff. I touched him!!

Obviously that isn't me but it is Wally! They also did a fish feeding where this guy chucked little pieces of fish into the water and Wally and these really fast fish called trevelly came right onto the swimming platform where we were all sitting like they were right there! It was so cool! I took so many photos underwater but they are all on my camera and I'm writing this on my phone so I'll be sure to post them when I get home! But basically the reef looks like all the pictures you've seen. It is amazing! We also got to take a glass bottom boat trip and a trip on a boat where the whole bottom is glass and you're sitting in the keel basically. It's called a semi submersible. It was very coooool! They also had guides during these trips to give you lots of information about the different types of corals and fish. I really wanted to see a turtle but I didn't see one.. That's ok I'm sure I'll see one before I leave australia! The day was amazing and it was great to get to know some of the people I'm on the trip with :) already made some friends!
When we got back, I checked into the hotel and myself and the girls I'm sharing a room with all got ready for dinner. I also got peer pressured into going on a pub crawl hahaaaaa! It actually ended up being pretty fun. I was walking back from the bar with my friend Carly because we wanted to go home early while everyone went to one more bar, and we got really lost! I got home later than all the other girls haha everyone had to get up early today to go to activities but I didn't whooo! So I slept in, skyped with ness for a bit and now I'm going to get some snacks for our 12 hour bus ride to the whitsundays tomorrow! We're leaving at 5:45am!
That's been it so far! I'm already having a lot of fun and meeting some really cool people. So great! Cairns is so beautiful and I'm sad to go but hopefully I'll be back one day!
Apparently our bus has wifi so I'll be able to update frequently :) missing everyone wish you could all be here!!! Xoxo