
“I knew that if I allowed fear to overtake me, my journey was doomed. Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one women are told. I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave. Nothing could vanquish me.”

- Cheryl Strayed, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

Friday, 29 November 2013

is it really Christmastime?

hello my friends! my facebook has been bombarded with pics of all the snow you've gotten at home and, i'm not going to lie, i am very glad that i'm not there to experience it in person! haha we have had our own share of rain and cloudy days in the last week or so, but i'd definitely take rain over snow any day! :)

everything has been good here, just working a lot, going to the beach and i even bought a pink fishing rod and went fishing one time. i caught a fish and decided to bring it home to eat it. it was a pretty intense experience and i don't think i'll be going fishing again any time soon lol it is good to know that if i need to, i can survive in the wild by fishing hahaha i'm not sure what type of fish it was that i caught, but it had teeth! it was so crazy lol

bottling is over now, and we are just relabelling some boxes, but the work will go until at least december 10th so i will get my regional work done! yessss!!!! i was so happy when i found that out! only 32 more days until my trip and i'm really stoked for it! i booked my bus ticket to and from perth so that's all set. renewed the registration on my car for another three months, now all i need to do it buy a new camera. everything is working out really well and it makes me sooooooooo happy!!!

bry is leaving for hawaii on monday which is sad, but i know she will have a fab time and i'm so excited for her! we are getting a new roommate for the time she is away. her name is sarah and she is also 23 and from canada (from BC) so i'm excited to meet her and not be alone for the whole time that bry is away! beach buddy yeaaaahhh :) 

also, i just found out yesterday that margaret river has a roller derby team!!! they are called the "cabernet savages" SO AWESOME! i really loved the time i spent practicing with the rollergettes in toronto, so i am definitely going to check out their next practice and hopefully get joined up! bob gnarly is making a comeback folks!!!!

basically just loving life over here, working, counting down the days until my trip! i put up a few christmas decorations because i really can't grasp that it is december soon and that its that time of year when i'm wearing shorts and going to the beach! haha i got one of those gel window stickers that i put up outside and this poor dragonfly got stuck in it and it was such a struggle to free him i was getting so worked up about it lol but i managed to free him in the end and he flew away :)

also, one day last week we both didn't work, bryanna and i drove to dunsborough because it was yucky out and we had brunch at samudra which was such a beautiful treat! i had hot chocolate, tofu scramble and we split a peppermint slice and a piece of caramel pecan pie for dessert (all vegan and gluten free YUMMM) on the way home in town we saw a wicked amazingly cool VW campervan in that lovely turquoise colour i love SO much! i posed with it 

other than that, not much to update on. i've been reading a lot and have rented the first season of how i met your mother to rewatch and o.m.g it is soooo funny! i laugh so hard my neighbours must think i'm nuts :) i'm getting pretty tan which is nice, i feel like i look so much more healthy with a tan haha 

i sent out those postcards to mum about a week ago so hopefully they will get there soon and then she can send them on the canadian part of their journey! hope everything is great with everyone at home, enjoy the snow and STAY WARM! 

missing everyone lots <33

beach out
peace out xoxoxo

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