
“I knew that if I allowed fear to overtake me, my journey was doomed. Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one women are told. I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave. Nothing could vanquish me.”

- Cheryl Strayed, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

leavin' on a jet plane

as most of you guys have probably seen on facebook, and can tell by the countdown on my blog, i booked my plane ticket! it was right after i did the new post yesterday, i realized that it was about time i looked into doing this thing. i just took a quick peek on skyscanner and kayak to see what flights were available. the ones kayak was bringing up were immediately out of the question. the least expensive one was $1700! noooope! i was hoping to pay more around the ballpark of $1200. 

i basically have been checking skyscanner everyday for the last few months just to get an idea of flights. most of them had really long layovers (like 17 hours in vancouver, or 9 in guangzhou china!) and as much as i would love to pull an anthony bourdain and experience another city on my layover, i figured as little travel time as possible would probably be best. especially since it is going to take 2 days to get there! 

i was just bopping around on the internet... and i came across this flight. it was perfect. perfect day to leave, perfect layover cities and times, priced in my range. my mum was having a nap, but i woke her up and said, rather dramatically, "mum, i think i found my flight." i asked her to sit with me while i booked it, as its pretty much the most expensive and life changing thing i've ever bought. we chomped on cherry larabars and snuggled with daisy sitting on my bed and i busted out my visa card and booked that sucker! 

i am officially the owner of a one way, non-refundable ticket to australia! i leave ottawa august 11th at 1pm, and arrive in perth at 3pm on august 13th. i fly from ottawa > toronto > la > melbourne > perth. the longest flight, obviously being la to melbourne is almost 16 hours! i'm not a nervous flier, but i have to admit, 16 hours with nothing but thousands of feet of sky and then thousands of feet of ocean underneath me intimidates me a little bit. i know it's going to be fine, but it will definitely be the longest flight i've ever been on! 

needless to say, i am super excited for this, and now that i have an official date to count down to, it makes it that much more real! i am hoping to have a combo birthday/bon voyage bbq at some point in july to see all my friends and family for one last shindig before i go! i'll definitely let everyone know the details for that as i plan it :) i'm going to miss everyone so freakin' much! 

just wanted to update everyone on what's going on! thanks for all of your encouragement, it means a lot! 

loads of love

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