on monday i ordered this epic ukulele with fruits on it just to jam (see what i did there? fruit...jam? haha lame) while i'm here. it was supposed to come by friday but it hasn't booo! oh well, something to look forward to this week!
thursday night, i got to witness my first beautiful australian sunset on the beach. it had always been raining so we hadn't gone down to the beach to watch one, but thursday was our chance. bry got in the water and surfed a bit, and then right before we left, we jumped in without wetsuits baaah it was cold! i already put up a bunch of pics on my facebook, but just to refresh your memory....
this was seriously one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen in my life! such awesome colours and ugh just everything haha the pictures definitely don't do it justice, as it is with most of my pics from aus! love itttt
today was a really great day too! we decided to drive up to dunsborough to the cape naturaliste lighthouse and geographe bay to see if we can spot any whales! they come between september - november and i was seriously soooo excited to see one! bry's friend from work came with us and we were a merry little group just walking along this beautiful trail along the sea. the trail starts at cape naturaliste and goes south to cape leeuwin. it's called the cape to cape trail, and people trek the whole thing, it's so wicked! bry did most of it last year and said it was a wonderful experience :)
sign showing the different types of whales that come to the bay (blue whales, humpbacks, southern right whales)
what to look for when you are whale watching
we hung out on the lookout point for about 30 mins and didn't see anything. we passed some people walking by and they said they had seen whales at meelup beach the day before. funny enough, we had stumbled upon meelup beach on the way to the lighthouse and the surf looked super sweet so we decided to head back there after lunch. i was a bit bummed that we didn't see any whales, but no worries i could always go back!
we took a long detour on the way back to the car park and were just minding our own business, walking, taking pics and marvelling at how beautiful the scene was...
bry was leading the way, then me, then hetta. all of a sudden, a loud scream, bry turns around and runs.. A SNAKKEEEEE!!!!! holy shit! i get a glimpse of it before i turn, scream my head off and run about 30 feet in the other direction. no lie, it was 2 feet from her foot, curled up on the side of the path. it was pure black all coiled up ueishjcdbjkvjrgru ugh it gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it! so obviously we had to keep walking, and the snake had fled the scene in the meantime, but like omg what if it came out when we were walking by? i don't know. they don't like being startled, so we had to walk slow so as not to scare it wherever it was. i was bringing up the rear and of course i wanted to go slow, but not too slow haha i wanted to get the $@%# out of there! i was sweating and shaky, like literally beads of nervous sweat dripping off my face lmao we all had sticks just in case, although i don't know how much good it would have done! after some research, we concluded that it was probably a dugite, which is actually one of the most venemous snakes in australia (13th deadliest in the world after the king cobra) sooooo that was an adventure! my first official australian snake and i survived! phewf.
that's kind of what it looked like :S
our snake sticks
after all that kafuffle, we headed to samudra in dunsborough for lunch. it is a vegan restaurant, yoga studio, and eco shop with lots of raw food and mostly gluten free. it also features lots of surfboards, and a vw campervan they had fashioned into the kitchen. i was stoked!
i went all out on the lunch front because i was starving and figured i wouldn't be there again for a while (its about a 45-50 min drive) i got some raw vegan GF samosas to start, then a big bowl of dahl with quinoa, and for dessert, hetta and i split a raw banoffee pie and chocolate tart! it was very delicious and i don't know how i walked out of there without having to be rolled haha!
then we headed back to meelup beach so bry could surf. i was just on my way to the washroom, and the girls called me back... WHALES!!!! i never ran so fast in my life! i saw the spray and the back of a humpback whale for a second and then he went back underwater. i literally screamed and jumped up and down i was so stoked! after i went to the washroom and bry was surfing, hetta and i saw another one or two and they were playing by the surface for a while! and they were so close to the beach I'd probably say about 600m from the beach! it was UNREAL! and there were so many surfers out and the waves were epic. they started getting bigger cause it was getting windy and you could tell a storm was coming. it was very cool to watch! anyways, then we drove home and are snuggled up in bed listening to the torrential downpour! today was a wicked awesome day! i'm glad i saw all of that wildlife! i feel so lucky everyday to have the chance to see all of these beautiful things! :)
i hope everyone else had a great weekend! i'm seriously missing the fall colours and pumpkins and crunchy leaves! tell me what you guys are up to :)
i'll post more of my pics on facebook! that's it for now, back to work tomorrow!
lots of love to one and all xoxo